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Calendar of Events
March 10, 2025 |
Restoration at RivertonMarch 11, 11:30am-1:30pm @ Riverton Park Riverton Park is a beautiful community park with picnic tables, a playground, Gully Gardens P-Patch, and a walking loop with a natural border that offers something for everyone. The natural plant board of the park has largely established mature trees that support wildlife, reduce pollutants in the air, and help to bring shade on hot days. Unfortunately, these trees are in danger due to English ivy, which grows aggressively and chokes out native plants and trees. The good news is YOU ARE HERE to help; as a community, we can save these trees and install a healthy native forest; plus, it is a ton of fun! All tools, materials, and training will be provided at the start of the work party. Restrooms are onsite May-October. Otherwise, you may use the restroom at the Tukwila Community Center quick drive down the street more |
Riverside Restoration with REIMarch 12, 9am-1pm @ Bicentennial Park Join REI and local Steward Chris for a morning of Riverside Restoration off the Green River Trail. Himalayan Blackberry and Bindweed aggressively take over and choke out young native trees and understory plants. Volunteers are removing the invasive plants and making room for native trees and shrubs. All ages OK more |
Restore Cottonwood CornerMarch 13, 11am-2pm @ Riverton Creek Join local Forest Steward Heidi Watters for a fun work party removing noxious weeds and learning about healthy eco-systems. All tools and training provided. more |
Restore Duwamish Hill PreserveMarch 15, 10am-1pm @ Duwamish Hill Preserve Join Friends of the Hill, local Forest Stewards and help keep the Duwamish Hill Preserve healthy! The goal is to tackle young blackberry before the warm summer sun promotes growth and they overshade native plants and young trees. No experience is necessary, lend a hand! Tools, gloves, and instructions will be provided. All ages and identities are welcome. No experience is necessary, lend a hand! Tools, gloves, and instructions will be provided. All ages and identities are welcome. All ages OK more |
Blackberry Blast - Forterra Restoration EventMarch 21, 1:30pm-4:30pm @ Duwamish Hill Preserve Join us in removing invasive non-native species! Join Forterra so our native plants and wildlife can thrive. Quite a bit of restoration work has been done on site already. However, the pesky blackberries are trying to hog all the sunlight. We'll start with a walk of the site, and have restoration professionals on site to answer any questions about plants, restoration, the Green Tukwila Partnership or Forterra more |
Restore the Shoreline, 57th Ave Mini ParkMarch 22, 10am-1pm @ 57th Ave S Mini Park Join local Forest Stewards and support Salmon on restoring the shoreline at 57th Ave Mini Park. This tiny park is almost all shoreline and needs your help fighting back blackberry to make room for native trees and shrubs to grow. All tools and training provided at the beginning of the work party. All identities are welcome. more |