Duwamish Hill Preserve - Forterra Earth Month at …04/18/2025


Join Forterra and Delta Air Lines in removing invasive blackberry to ensure the trees, shrubs, and groundcover planted can thrive. It’s a great opportunity to learn about Forterra's innovative approach to land conservation, including its role in safeguarding the Duwamish Hill Preserve

Thank you Delta Air Lines for Sponsoring this event.

About the Preserve:The Preserve now includes an outdoor classroom area, the Cultural Garden, an enhanced trail system and continued restoration opportunities for volunteers.

All ages OK

1 out of 20 participants registered.

What to Bring

Please dress for the weather (in layers to stay warm/dry). Snacks, tools, gloves and drinks will all be provided.

Where to Meet

Signs direct you from the parking lot to where we will meet.

Where to Park

Park in the nearby parking lot at Duwamish Hill Preserve

Date & Time

April 18, 2025 1pm - 4pm


Daniel Hachet

Please feel free to email Dhachet@Forterra.org with any questions.

Extra Info

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