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Bicentennial Park - Riverside Restoration with REI02/12/2025

Join REI and local Steward Chris for a morning of Riverside Restoration off the Green River Trail. Himalayan Blackberry and Bindweed aggressively take over and choke out young native trees and understory plants. Volunteers are removing the invasive plants and making room for native trees and shrubs.
All ages OK
0 out of 10 participants registered.
What to Bring
Dress for the weather, wear closed-toed shoes, and cover your legs and arms; blackberry is very scratchy. Bring a full water bottle and tough gardening gloves if you have them.
Where to Meet
We will meet in the park and walk to the site; the site is just south of the park under the bridge.
Where to Park
Use the parking lot at the park.
Date & Time
February 12, 2025 9am - 1pm
Olena Perry